Store Manager [Hong Kong S.A.R.]


lululemon 是一家專門製作瑜伽、跑步、訓練和其他運動項目等機能服飾的創新公司。在高科技布料和功能設計方面,我們樹立標竿,創造顛覆性的產品和體驗,持續在運動健身、心靈成長、人際連結與幸福感方面提供人們所需的協助。我們將成功歸功於創新的產品、對門市的重視、對員工的承諾以及在每個所在社群當中所建立的人際連結。作為一家公司,我們專注於創造正面的改變,期許打造更健康、繁榮的未來。特別值得一提的是,這樣的期許也包含了為我們的員工創造一個公平、包容且注重成長的環境。






  • 秉持真摯友善的態度並頌揚多樣性,建立並培養一個彼此尊重且具包容性的團隊環境和文化,確保為團隊成員和顧客打造備受關心且引人入勝的體驗。
  • 根據關鍵指標和計畫為門市確立願景,並確保聯絡和告知所有團隊成員。
  • 建立強大且多樣化的團隊,納入擁有各種不同經驗、背景和技能組合的團隊成員,提升門市經營效率。
  • 管理門市雇用流程,包括招聘、遴選和入職,確保專注於 IDEA(包容性、多樣化、公平和行動)和其他 lululemon 優先事項。
  • 透過提供直接的意見回饋、指導、輔導和職涯路徑指引,以一致且公平的方式支援所有門市團隊成員持續學習和發展。
  • 參與並促進職涯討論,展現對團隊的支持,並協助團隊成員了解,透過分享內部機會,在 lululemon 工作如何有助於促進其職涯發展和個人成長。
  • 表彰團隊成員表現、提供技能差距評估和整體績效說明文件,以支持成長並加強團隊的職涯發展和個人成長,以及解決績效問題。
  • 依勞動力需求、可工作時間和預算考量,規劃和安排團隊成員班表。
  • 解決所有員工關係問題,包括知道何時與人員和文化 (P&C) 團隊合作以採取適當的行動。

  • 支援團隊成員(例如以身作則或提供指導),確保提供卓越顧客體驗,包括評估顧客需求、提供技術性產品教育和支援門市交易和全通路計畫。
  • 充滿熱忱地在樓面領導,以評估並滿足業務、團隊和顧客的需求。
  • 處理緊急問題,包括呈報的客訴和緊急請求。
  • 與合作夥伴和社群意見領袖培養共融關係,並尋求接洽多樣化社群資源和計畫,藉此提高品牌知名度和社群接受度。
  • 透過識別、選擇、培訓和推動與顧客和團隊間的關係,建立並維護與品牌大使、熱汗領導者和其他外部夥伴的本地合作關係。

  • 與門市和地區內所有團隊成員建立充滿支持且有益成效的關係。
  • 與門市團隊成員合作,確保提供理想的顧客體驗,展現對顧客時間的重視,並支援門市營運。
  • 就產品意見回饋、社群和轉化率等主題進行跨門市或區域合作(例如,與門市服務中心 [SSC] 合作夥伴、地區經理進行區域和地區通話)。

  • 根據目標(銷售、預算等)管理整體門市盈虧。
  • 為門市規劃和執行策略、預算和勞動力(包括招聘和培訓/發展)方面的高階季度和年度計畫。
  • 管理樓面計畫並做出決策,以促進樓面經營效率和成效。
  • 瞭解並遵守人員安全政策和程序,以維護安全的工作環境。
  • 根據適用的政策、程序和法律或法規來執行工作。



  • 包容與多元:建立/支持一個重視/讚揚差異性的包容環境
  • 誠信/誠實:秉持誠實、公平與道德的態度行事
  • 領導力:有能力並想要領導、影響和激勵他人;在工作中激勵人員、賦予權力、協助發展和提供指導
  • 決策:善用邏輯和推理來評估備選方案,並做出有效且及時的決策
  • 適應力/敏捷度:能容許不確定性和模稜兩可,並且能在步調快的環境下,調整事物優先順序
  • 團隊建立:建立和發展能將成就最大化的團隊;鼓勵獨特貢獻和不同觀點
  • 策略思考:制定符合公司願景和價值觀的策略,實現目標/願景/進一步使命;將決策可能對「大局」造成的影響納入考量
  • 靭性:堅持不懈;遭受挫折後迅速恢復的能力
  • 變革管理領導:領導他人歷經變革過程和充滿不確定性的所有階段
  • 商業敏銳度:能夠快速理解並處理商業資訊(例如,損益表、預算和銷售預測、零售策略和方法)


  • 具備在您受指派之門市的司法管轄區內工作的合法資格,或願意在國外工作(如有需要)。

  • 願意彈性安排上班時間

  • 願意與團隊合作,也願意獨立或單獨完成工作
  • 願意在值班期間的大多數時間於門市樓面走動,協助顧客並完成工作

  • 1 年人員管理經驗

  • 教育:高中或中學文憑的同等或更高學歷。
  • 經驗:2 年零售或銷售特定管理經驗。


在 lululemon,我們注重並投資在身、心、靈的全人發展上。我們的總獎勵計畫旨在協助您實現目標,讓您專注在喜愛的事物上。除了理想的基本薪資和團隊制的獎金計畫外,我們還提供有薪假、慷慨的員工折扣、健身/瑜珈課、親子充值計畫以及個人和專業發展計畫。


Who We Are

lululemon is an innovative performance apparel company for yoga, running, training, and other athletic pursuits. Setting the bar in technical fabrics and functional design, we create transformational products and experiences that support people in moving, growing, connecting, and being well. We owe our success to our innovative product, emphasis on stores, commitment to our people, and the incredible connections we make in every community we're in. As a company, we focus on creating positive change to build a healthier, thriving future. In particular, that includes creating an equitable, inclusive and growth-focused environment for our people.

Job Summary

Store Managers are accountable for every aspect of the retail store operations, ensuring that all areas of the store are engaged, performing, and delivering world-class guest experience. Store Managers build team capabilities to drive strategy and achieve key results for the business. This role is responsible for the talent acquisition strategy, ongoing people development and growth within their community.

Core Responsibilities of the Job

Leadership and People Management

  • Create and foster a respectful and inclusive team environment and culture by welcoming and celebrating differences to ensure a supportive and engaging experience for team members and guests.
  • Establish a vision for the store, based on key metrics and initiatives, and ensure all team members are connected and informed.
  • Build a strong and diverse team that includes team members with various experiences, backgrounds, and skillsets to drive store operations.
  • Manage the store’s hiring process, including recruitment, selection, and onboarding, ensuring a focus on IDEA (inclusion, diversity, equity, and action) and other lululemon priorities.
  • Support ongoing learning and development of all store team members consistently and equitably by providing direct feedback, coaching, mentoring, and career path guidance.
  • Engage in and drive career discussions to support and reinforce team understanding of how working at lululemon will contribute to career and personal growth by sharing internal opportunities.
  • Provide team member recognition, gap assessment, and overall performance documentation to support growth reinforce the career and personal growth of your team and address performance concerns..
  • Plan and prepare team member schedule according to labour requirements, availability, and budget considerations.
  • Address all employee relations issues, including knowing when to partner with People and Culture (P&C) team to take appropriate action.
Guest Experience and Community

  • Support team members (e.g., leading by example or coaching) to ensure a great guest experience, including assessing guest needs, providing technical product education, and supporting in-store transactions and omnichannel programs.
  • Lead dynamically on the floor to assess and fulfill the needs of the business, team, and guests.
  • Address emergent issues, including guest escalations and emergency requests.
  • Increase brand awareness and acceptance in the community by cultivating inclusive relationships with partners and community influencers and seeking to engage with diverse community resources and programs.
  • Establish and maintain local relationships with ambassadors, sweat leaders, and other external partners by identifying, selecting, training, and facilitating relationship building with guests and team.
Working with Others

  • Establish supportive and productive relationships with all team members in-store and within region.
  • Collaborate with in-store team members to ensure optimal guest experience that values guests’ time and support store operations.
  • Collaborate across stores or regions (e.g., regional and area calls with store service center [SSC] partners, with Regional Managers) on topics such as product feedback, community, and conversion.

  • Manage whole store profit and loss (P&L) in accordance with goals (sales, budget, etc.).
  • Plan and execute high-level quarterly and annual planning for store with respect to strategy, budget, and labor (including recruiting and training/development).
  • Manage floor plan and make decisions to drive efficiency and effectiveness of floor operations.
  • Understand and adhere to people safety policies and procedures to maintain a safe work environment.
  • Perform work in accordance with applicable policies, procedures, and laws or regulations.
Budget Responsibility:
Accountable for controllable budget; labor hours; annual sales plan target

People Management:
Leadership role directly responsible for all store employees (may delegate some aspects of management)

What We Look For

  • Inclusion & Diversity: Creates/supports an inclusive environment that values/celebrates differences
  • Integrity/Honesty: Behaves in an honest, fair, and ethical manner
  • Leadership: Is able and desires to lead, influence, and inspire others; motivates, empowers, develops, and directs people as they work
  • Decision Making: Uses logic and reasoning to evaluate alternatives and make effective, timely decisions
  • Adaptability/Agility: Tolerates uncertainty and ambiguity and can change priorities in a fast-paced environment
  • Team Building: Creates and develops teams that maximize accomplishments; encourages unique contributions and different perspectives
  • Strategic Thinking: Sets strategies that are aligned to vision and values of the company to achieve goals/vision/further the mission; considers the 'big picture' implications of decisions
  • Resilience: Remains persistent; recovers quickly from setbacks
  • Change Management Leadership: Leads others through all phases of change processes and uncertainty
  • Business Acumen: Is able to quickly understand and address business information (e.g., profit and loss statements, budgets and sales forecasts, retail strategy and approaches)
Job Requirements


  • Legally eligible to work in the jurisdiction of the store which you are assigned to, or willing to work abroad if necessary.

  • Willing to work a flexible schedule
Other Willingness Requirements

  • Willing to work as part of a team and also complete work independently or alone
  • Willing to move through a store for most of a shift to help guests and accomplish work

  • 1 year people management experience
Job Assets (i.e., nice to have; not required)

  • Education: High School or Secondary school diploma equivalent, or above.
  • Experience: 2 years retail or sales specific management experience.
Applicants successful in progressing to an interview will be contacted by a Manager. Please note any applicant or employee who believes they need reasonable accessibility support to perform the essential duties of the job is welcome to discuss this with the Manager when arranging the interview.

Beyond The Paycheck (Benefits & Perks)

At lululemon, we care for and invest in the whole person - body, mind, spirit. Our total rewards program is designed to support you in achieving your goals and focus on the things you love. In addition to competitive base pay and a team-based bonus program, we also offer paid time off, generous employee discounts, fitness/yoga classes, parenthood top up program and personal and professional development programs.

Note: availability of these benefits and perks may be subject to your location & employment type and may have certain eligibility requirements.
The Company reserves the right to alter these benefits and perks in whole or in part at any time without advance notice.




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